Saturday, February 16, 2013

Crap. I'm turning into one of those freaky people who use oils to cure things.

Here is the deal, I came down with the flu on Monday. I was not surprised by it because Jon had had it for 2 weeks. I was more surprised that I had not gotten it sooner. I was super congested and my teeth on the right side of my mouth were hurting BAD. I did a quick Google search and found that it is possible when you are really congested for your sinuses to press against the roots of your teeth. So I figured that was the case, and suffered through. I started to feel better... but the tooth did not. I will get dental insurance next week, so I was waiting it out until I developed this huge cyst thing on the entire right side of the roof of my mouth. It was throbbing and painful to the point of tears, and the tooth was getting worse and I was up all night crying in pain.

I learned from a new Google search that I had an abscess and I was full of infection and that if I let it go for too long that it could get to my blood or my brain or something. I found a dentist open on Saturday and Jon drove me down there in hopes that they could fit me in. They did and the X-ray confirmed my diagnosis. He gave me a prescription for antibiotics and a painkiller and I have an appointment to go back next week to get a root canal and a crown. The pain killer did not even touch it, and I've not been able to sleep or concentrate or do anything except be upset that something this small could put me in so much pain.

I remembered that my friend (Kelli, pictured below) was into doTERRA oils and I reached out to her in a desperate attempt to get some relief... I was thinking there was an oil that could numb my mouth better than orajel or something. She came over and had me swish with coconut oil with a couple of doterra oils in it for 10 min. I spit it out and did not really feel any different. She also gave me some clove oil that DID numb much better than orajel. She left and I laid back down in bed feeling sorry for myself and about 5 min later I ran my tongue over the huge painful cyst and it was 75% reduced. MOST OF THE PAIN IS GONE.

I'm kinda pissed that it worked because I really don't want to be one of those creepy natural oil people.....


  1. Doesn't your Aunt Jill love oils?? She showed me one time. I think they're kind of cool. The clives work REALLY well to stop pain and fact, when I got dry socket after having my wisdom teeth pulled that's what the dentist put in my mouth to help the pain and make sure it didn't get worse. Dentist issues are the worst! Besides getting my two bottom wisdom teeth pulled I have only had two tiny cavities(that were filled at the same time and I had a huge meltdown at 21! Ha! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. hey sister! So funny that you started using the oils because ben's mom hooked me up with a couple of samples and at first I was like ehh that's just a mormon mother thing besides the usually pinterest obsessor,amazing bread maker,quilter and bloger. But the more I think of it, it's not a terrible thing and I'm seeing myself becoming that kind of person:) The oils do work! I used the basil one and even though i smell a lil funky with all the oils I put on I've seen a difference and When everyone in the house got the flu last month I was still very healthy and well!

  3. Haha. You're so funny, Melissa. Using oils can't be all that weird. I mean, Christ used oils to heal people- and the priesthood uses olive oil when sick people are getting blessed! Lots of people just think that's for symbolism, but it's pretty obvious to me that oils have their healing nature. It sounds like your oil friend saved you a lot of trouble at the dentist!! ~SarahLynn
